2022 Year in Review
This blog spent most of the past 12 months being completely neglected. I’m going to blame that on the fact that 2022 was a big year of change for me. I moved back to the US following more than five years abroad – first in Abu Dhabi and then in Hong Kong. I’m now focused on Odd Lots full-time along with my cohost Joe Weisenthal. I’ve also been busy renovating a big old rambling farmhouse in Connecticut on the side, and have learned a bunch of new things like plastering, painting, maintaining a koi pond (!), gardening, and how to maintain a coal stove.
That said, I wrote quite a bit in 2022 as there really was no shortage of financial news flow. It was a year of incredible pain for investors in the face of higher inflation and surging interest rates, plus all the uncertainty caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Things that did well in the low interest rate years after the financial crisis, quickly saw their fortunes reverse.
Below I’ve included some of my favorite written work of the year, as well as some of my favorite podcast episodes. There are a lot! In an effort to make the list a bit more manageable, I’ve grouped the articles by theme. Thanks to everyone who read and listened to Odd Lots in 2022, and here’s to another big year!

Market pain
The Bubble Portfolio Is Getting Absolutely Crushed (May 10, 2022)
This post pretty much encapsulates the year for me. As interest rates rose, all the things that had been wildly successful in previous years seemed to go into reverse. A hypothetical bubble portfolio, filled with the frothiest of assets (think Tesla, Bitcoin, long bonds and more) was absolutely crushed. As the piece notes, for years, one way to get market-beating returns was to run towards assets with the highest prices. That is decidedly no longer the case.
JPMorgan Is Worried About Who’s Going to Buy All the Bonds (Oct. 3, 2022)
I find the debate over whether there is a structural lack of demand for US Treasuries to be absolutely fascinating. It’s one I’ve written about for a while and appears to be heating up again in the context of geopolitical risk (see also Zoltan Pozsar episodes of Odd Lots below) and inflation.
An AA+ Rated Government Bond Down 55% Shows the Pain of Higher Rates (March 30, 2022)
You could have written these types of posts about any number of asset classes this year, but the fact that these types of extreme moves are happening in government-issued bonds is pretty remarkable and demonstrative of the power of duration risk (see also the long bonds in the bubble portfolio).
Goldman Sees a Big Change Coming to the Bond Mark (Feb. 14, 2022)
A simple post but one that, with the benefit of hindsight, was full of alpha-rific predictions such as “while it would be easy to argue that this is all about bonds, it’s not hard to see how this could impact stocks given that Treasuries act as the risk-free rate off which a variety of risk assets are priced.” The yield on the 10-year Treasury was 1.98% when this was written! Worth the price of an Odd Lots subscription IMHO.
Bond Markets Around the World Are Flashing a Warning About Global Recession (Nov. 28, 2022)
I still think there’s a big question mark around how much information you can glean from bond prices in the modern financial system, but prima facie, this post makes the point that bond markets around the world appear to be pricing in various shades of economic contraction.
Cracks in credit
A $10 Trillion Market Has a Big Interest-Rate Shock Problem (Feb. 10, 2022)
This piece laid out, pretty early in the year, the stress that later would come to the market for corporate bonds. Many companies sold bonds with longer terms and at lower spreads, resulting in investors taking on what’s known as duration risk, or higher sensitivity to interest rates. This means that when benchmark rates rise, investors in investment-grade corporate bonds are typically vulnerable to big drops in value.
A Mark-to-Market Massacre Is Claiming a $10 Trillion Market (Nov. 2, 2022)
This piece uses an illustrative portfolio of investment-grade bonds to show just how painful the dynamic described above ended up being for investors. The important thing to note here is that these are mark-to-market losses, and investors in the debt will still get their principal and interest payments so long as the bonds don’t default and as long as they don’t sell them and crystallize their losses. But unfortunately with hardship withdrawals from pension funds hitting a record this year, a lot of retail investors are probably being forced to sell at exactly the wrong time.
A $1 Billion Junk Bond Down 38% in Less Than a Year Shows How Much the Market Has Changed (July 5, 2022)
The above deals with investment-grade bonds, but if you wanted to see extreme mark-to-market moves on something a little riskier, take a look at this $750 million issue from payday lender Curo. This was first issued in July 2021 and reopened in November that year. In the space of just seven months (!) the bonds fell 38%. And if you’re wondering how the bond’s doing currently … it’s now down about 55%!
Junk-Rated Bonds Just Aren’t Behaving Like They Used To (Dec. 15, 2022)
It’s been a bad year for credit from a mark-to-market perspective, but not so much in terms of defaults. As this piece points out, the trailing default rate for junk-rated bonds remains historically low. A lot of that has to do with the fact that many companies spent the past couple of years terming out their debt at ultra-low interest rates, but I also think the Federal Reserve’s corporate bond-buying program has had perhaps under-appreciated impact here (see “One Sign That the Fed Changed Everything in Corporate Bonds.”)
The Fed
The Shadow Is Born: How the Fed Helped Spawn a $23.7 Trillion Market (Nov. 7, 2022)
Based on the research of Josh Younger, this is easily one of my favorite things this year and it also inspired two episodes of the Odd Lots podcast (see list below). We tend to think of the shadow banking system as something that sprang up by accident, but it was actually the result of a series of policy choices — some of them aimed at fixing issues which are very familiar to us today (things like inflation and bond market volatility). I loved writing this piece and the illustrations to go with it. I think you’ll love it too!

The World’s Most Important Market Has a Big and Repetitive Problem (June 14, 2022)
Speaking of bond market volatility, here’s one an ongoing concern in the US Treasury market. Opinions tend to be divided on whether this is a structural issue, or just reflective of big changes in investors’ opinions of the outlook for interest rates. Still interesting to see these big moves happen though.
It’s Official: The Fed’s in the Red (Oct. 10, 2022)
No one’s immune from mark-to-market portfolio losses — not even the US central bank. 2022 saw the Federal Reserve post its first operating loss in years after interest rates soared and demand for US bonds craters. Of course, there’s a vibrant debate about what it means for a central bank with its own printing press to post a loss, more on that below!
Why the Fed Losing Money Might Actually Matter for Monetary Policy (March 15, 2022)
As alluded to in the above, the Fed can’t really go bankrupt. But it can record losses that lead to embarrassing and potentially distracting questions from Congress. It could also change the speed and shape of central bank’s quantitative tightening (QT) to try to perhaps minimize some losses….
Analysts Are Warning That the Fed Faces a Tricky Early Exit From QT (Sept. 12, 2022)
This post picks up the above theme to contemplate potential changes to the Fed’s planned QT program. At issue is the possibility of the financial system falling below a desired level of liquidity, as measured by the amount of reserves sloshing around the banking sector. While the Fed wants to draw liquidity, it doesn’t want to take out too much too soon and put unnecessary strains on the financial system (see the below on the discount window). One thing worth noting, at the time of writing reserves totaled about $3.28 trillion — or about $1 trillion away from the $2-2.5 trillion level that the Fed estimates as ‘ample.’ Now, we’re even closer to that threshold at about $3 trillion.
Billions of Dollars in Fed Discount Window Suggests All Is Not Well in Banking (Dec. 19, 2022)
Speaking of strains in the financial system, we closed out the year with something of a banking mystery. Use of the Federal Reserve’s discount window has been picking up. The question of course is why? While the Fed has been trying to destigmatize this type of emergency lending, it could nevertheless point to some latent issues with a few banks (perhaps related to some recent crypto developments!)
Leveraged Loans
There’s a New Recession Canary in the Coal Mine, Morgan Stanley Says (Aug. 30, 2022)
Since junk-rated bonds aren’t really behaving like they used to, we might have to look elsewhere for signs that credit investors are anticipating recession. Morgan Stanley reckons we should be looking at leveraged loans, and I’m inclined to agree. It’s no secret that leveraged loans have been one of the frothiest areas in finance in recent years, and so it makes some sense to look at them for first signs of cracks in credit.
Wall Street Is Souring On Its Favorite Product for Rising Rates at a Pretty Weird Time (April 21, 2022)
It is pretty funny though, that one of the things that was most pitched as protection against rising interest rates is now seen as one of the most vulnerable to them. This piece outlines how Wall Street spent years touting leveraged loans and their floating-rate exposure as a big beneficiary of rising rates — a pitch which attracted billions of dollars worth of institutional and retail inflows — only to sour on them once benchmark interest rates actually began rising.
Retail Investors Could Soon Dine on Wall Street’s CLO Leftovers (Feb. 25, 2022)
Speaking of retail inflows to leveraged loans, here is more on that theme! As demand for collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) fell off a cliff this year, Wall Street came up with a plan for its CLO leftovers; selling the underlying loans to ETFs beloved by individual investors!
Inflation and inventories
What the Great Mayonnaise Inflation Mystery Can Tell Us About Prices (Aug. 11, 2022)
In 2021, I went down a rabbit hole examining whether the price of mayonnaise had been going up. This post picks up the theme, using the example of mayonnaise to explore how we actually measure inflation. It’s absolutely fascinating to me that price changes of a single condiment — a staple of restaurants, pantries and lunchboxes across America — can be so slippery to pin down. Inflation is always and everywhere a subjective phenomenon.
Investors Are Loving Companies That Increase Their Prices (Feb. 9, 2022)
This post uses two different companies — Chipotle and Clorox — to talk about how investors are reacting to companies passing through higher input prices to customers. Unsurprisingly, they rewarded the company passing costs on (Chipotle) and punished the one that didn’t (Clorox).
Suddenly Investors In Retail Need To Learn More About Accounting (May 25, 2022)
One other way of thinking about how investors have respodnded to inflation, is to consider how they treated companies with inventory build-ups in recent years. Companies that bought a lot early (presumably at cheaper prices later on) probably did well in recent years. But now, as the economy softens, those inventories turn from an advantage to a liability. This post looks at how companies actually account for changes in inventory.
My favorite type of Beveridge
A New Type of Beveridge May Explain a Stubborn Labor-Market Mystery (Sept. 27, 2022)
I’m not that big on economic theory but I do find the debate over things like the Beveridge Curve (and it’s more famous cousin, the Phillips Curve) interesting and important in the context of whether or not the Fed can engineer its proverbial soft landing. This working paper presents a novel new way of interpreting the Beveridge Curve’s post-pandemic shift and implies that a soft landing is possible, but perhaps the most intriguing bit is the bit about mismeasuring actual vacancies. See also, this edition of the Odd Lots newsletter, which talked about another paper on the Beveridge Curve taking an opposing view.
Fed Study Says It’s Solved the Murder Mystery of Who Killed the Phillips Curve (May 24, 2022)
Everyone loves a good murder mystery and I am no different. This post has my favorite economics subhead of all time: “It was the loss of worker bargaining power in the drawing room with a knife.”
Barclays Warns Even Fully Collateralized Stablecoins May Be Prone to Downwards Spiral (May 19, 2022)
This post gets my vote for the most relevant for 2023. The Terra/Luna implosion of April 2022 wasn’t exactly surprising. There were a lot of people who had been pointing out vulnerabilities in the algorithmic stablecoin model (we interviewed one of them on the podcast) but even fully collateralized stablecoins have issues. Notably, Tether’s redemption structure may make it prone to preeumptive runs.
Why We Should All Be Talking About the Luna Losers in Terra’s Implosion (May 18, 2022)
This post makes a simple but important point about cryptocurrencies. You don’t hear about the losers. Crypto is full of survivorship bias, with many coins that were in the top 10 by market value subsequently falling into obscurity. It’s also why all those charts of the value of the crypto market kept going up – so long as you can attract more inflows into the new coins, it doesn’t matter if the old ones go belly up.
The Crypto Market Cap Merry-Go-Round Meets the Magic Money Box (Nov. 14, 2022)
This post picks up the point about crypto market cap following the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX. What’s interesting here is that Serum and FTT — the two tokens said to have been used by SBF to secure loans — were never major coins according to market cap. So how can two tokens that don’t even crack the top 100 end up worth more than $10 billion on FTX’s balance sheet? SBF described the exact dynamic in the now infamous ‘Box’ episode of Odd Lots. FTX could issue vast amounts of its own tokens and hold many of them on balance sheet, while valuing them based on a sliver of free float that it seems to have been actively pushing up via Alameda Research. (See also, some of the newsletters below).
Random but good things
What the Heck Is Happening With Elon Musk’s Twitter Stake Disclosure? (April 5, 2022)
One of the big stories this year was Elon Musk’s investment and subsequent takeover of Twitter. I didn’t cover this very intently but could not resist doing a little post on the weirdness of how he went about buying and disclosing his investment stake. There’s a reason why these disclosure rules exist (which you can read about in the above). But of course, we’ve since learned ad nauseum that Musk doesn’t care all that much about following the rules. Since this post, the SEC is reported to be investigating.
How a Semiconductor Shortage Can Impact the Supply of Gummy Bears (Dec. 22, 2022)
One of my favorite things about examining supply chains is the surprising relationships they can sometimes turn up. I wrote last year about how the 2008 bursting of the housing bubble led to a shortage of sawdust, which in turn led to higher milk prices. This is another example of an unexpended connection between two things that at first seem extremely unrelated. It’s only when the economy gets a big whack of disruption that this hidden web of supply chain relationships starts to reveal itself.
Big Mac Prices Show the Pain of the Dollar Doom Loop (Sept. 27, 2022)
The Big Mac is both a symbol of American soft power and hard currency dominance. Since 1986, it has also been a way of measuring purchasing power parity, or the degree to which one country’s money can buy the same things as another country’s currency. In 2022, as the dollar soared to the highest in decades, the greenback as measured in McDonald’s burgers looked massively overvalued.
The UK Is Really Trading Like an Emerging Market Right Now (Sept. 23, 2022)
The gilt crisis? This was just a quick post made on the day of the big selloff in gilts but looking back, the surge in UK government bond yields combined with the plunge in sterling was pretty remarkable to see in a G7 market. I also love the kicker quote from Paul McNamara: If it was an EM you’d be reading it the last rites. But it isn’t.”
There’s an Unusual Thing Happening in the Housing Market (Sept. 16, 2022)
Housing was weird in 2022! At the beginning of the year, Joe and I recorded an episode about just how crazy the US real estate market had got – with stories about competing bids and people being gazumped and so on. Less than a year later and we were talking about the prospect of a housing crash. As this piece notes, the weird thing about the housing market right now the degree to which a fall-off in activity is protecting prices from a really big fall. As the piece notes, the key question for housing-watchers is whether the absolute level of inventory will turn out to be more important than its rate of change.
One Corner of the Trucking Market Suggests the Economy Is Slowing (May 9, 2022)
Joe and I went to our first trucking conference courtesy of Freightwaves this year. It was a blast and I enjoyed putting together this piece after speaking with a number of participants. While the slowdown in freight and the fall in rates has since been well-flagged, it feels like the big question is whether this is more the result of a cyclical build-up in overcapacity or a drop-off in real world economic activity.
Some Companies Are Now ‘Requalifying’ Their Old Bonds as Green (March 18, 2022)
I remember people accusing me of being too negative on ESG. It feels like this year has seen a shift in attitudes and more people have come around to my way of thinking. ESG is incredibly important for the future of the planet and our population, but unfortunately it has been rolled out without any real thought as to what it’s trying to accomplish. In any case, here is a story about companies reclassifying old bonds to ‘green’ or ‘ESG’ that gets to some of that issue. If you think ESG is more about allocating money to green projects, then ‘requalifying’ older debt that wasn’t originally issued with the express intention of funding specific green or social goals might seem strange. But if ESG is mostly about showing overall green intent, allowing the company to advertise its social credentials as much as possible, then reclassifying older bonds could be an acceptable way of signaling this. The fact that we don’t really know what we’re trying to accomplish here, indicates a pretty big failing in the space IMO.
Here’s Just How Weird Some of Those Russian Bonds Really Are (March 16, 2022)
This is somewhat related to the topic of ESG but it’s also just some good old-fashioned bond documentation geekery. Here’s a peek into the prospectuses for a bunch of Russian government bonds, which in addition to a bunch of risk factors about sanctions, also include some esoteric provisions like alternative payment clauses. These of course were thrown into sharp relief following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which sparked a wave of worry over whether the country would default on its debt. But there’s also a big question mark over whether large investors who care about the multitude of values hosted under the ESG umbrella should ever have bought these bonds in the first place.
Won’t Somebody Please Think of the ARK Structured Notes? (Jan. 5, 2022)
I forgot I wrote this. With Cathie Wood’s flagship ARKK down almost 70% in a year, I bet some of those structured notes must have hit their knock-out levels. As much as a lot of Wall Street professionals seem to make fun of Wood, they’re not shy about borrowing her brand to launch these.
Here’s the Buy Case for Stocks on Rising Worries Over Nuclear War (March 4, 2022)
I once tweeted a joke that “I would buy the dip on nuclear winter. If it doesn’t happen, my portfolio will be on fire. If it does, my portfolio will also be on fire.” Here is that tweet in analyst research form.
The weekly Odd Lots newsletter has basically become my safe space for thinking about stuff out loud. It’s the place where I cultivate pet theories and write about things that I am still thinking through. You can subscribe to it here if you’re interested. Here are some of the ones that have stood out to me this year.
Odd Lots Newsletter: This Could Be Crypto’s Lasting Legacy (Dec. 23, 2022)
One of my running themes in recent years has been the idea that people have been increasingly running towards bubbles. We talked about it in an episode with Lily Francus and Kyla Scanlon, about how there’s a sense of nihilism running through a lot of investing nowdays and how many people seem to be making lottery-like high-risk investments. I wouldn’t place the blame entirely on crypto, but I do thing the act of betting on made-up tokens has helped to normalize betting on lines moving up and down.
Odd Lots Newsletter: Forever Blowing Bubbles and Building Boxes (April 29)
This was the first newsletter after the infamous Sam Bankman-Fried ‘Box’ interview. Similar to the above, it talks a lot about people willingly chasing bubbles (or boxes). As I wrote in reference to the old “Forever Blowing Bubbles” song: “If Vera Lynn were singing about bubbles today, the whole thing would probably sound a bit different. Rather than serenading us with light and airy “hopes and dreams” for the future, she might instead do an electronicore chant about putting your money in the box.
Odd Lots Newsletter: The Real Problem With Crypto (Nov. 11, 2022)
The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX as explained through the medium of Beanie Babies.
Odd Lots Newsletter: The World’s Supply of Safe Assets (April 1, 2022)
This was based off our interview with Eclectica’s Hugh Hendry, and I think he makes a really interesting point that is somewhat similar to Matt King’s thoughts about something big and fundamental changing in market behavior. As Henry puts it, “what happens is when you can conceive of a business as being risk-less, it becomes price-less. You know, there is no upper bound to the valuation of such businesses. And it’s the same phenomena when we had Treasuries yielding 40 basis points.”
Odd Lots Newsletter: It’s Time to Watch China Again (Dec. 16, 2022)
It’s early in 2023, but if I had to choose one thing to watch in 2022, it would be this. Watch what China is doing — not just with its recent easing of Covid restrictions, but also changes to economic policy.
Odd Lots Newsletter: None Of the Big Econ Debates Are Resolved
Actually, maybe this gets my vote for the thing to look out for in 2023? We know that there’s been a boom in private market investing in recent years. By definition, these are not publicly-traded assets and pricing is not nearly as transparent or immediate. I wonder how much pain still needs to filter through to the most illiquid assets.
That Sound You Hear Is a Reshuffling of Global Capital (Oct. 21, 2022)
Odd Lots itself has gone from talking a lot about financial issues to more real world economy ones. I talked a bit about this transition on our recent AMA episode, but to some extent, I think this is reflective of what’s been happening post-pandemic and also a realization that a lot of financial issues tend to get fixed quickly nowadays with central bank intervention (of course, a preponderance of central bank intervention is probably the ultimate non-fixable financial problem). In any case, since there seems to generally be more of a focus on real world problems and shortages, that’s where the money is going.
Odd Lots Newsletter: The Revenge of the Physical World (March 11, 2022)
Speaking of real world problems getting more attention, this newsletter highlights that financial exposure to commodities is not the same as physical exposure. That’s something we learned a lot this year.
Odd Lots Newsletter: It’s a Global Repricing of Risk (Oct. 7)
This is the big reason why this year has been so darn painful for investors. Bonds are the risk-free rate for a wide variety of assets and when they get slammed, so does everything else. Add to that the fact that we’ve consciously built an entire economic system around what’s supposed to be a bedrock of government bonds, and you have the potential for a lot of turmoil. As Odd Lots guest Conor Sen points out: “changing the price of government debt is the primary mechanism for tweaking employment and inflation, which, as we’re seeing, can be at odds with the role of government debt in global financial-asset portfolios.”
The Market Is Changing the Real Economy
I can’t tell if I was right or wrong in thinking that the crypto crash would lead to investors demanding less leverage in the crypto space. I mean, there is de facto less leverage after everything that’s happened this year. I’m just not sure it came about because investors asked for it. In any case, enjoy this newsletter for this particular exchange, which with the benefit of hindsight, is pretty remarkable:
Matt Levine: I am curious just, like, why people thought running 20-to-1 leverage with this model worked and why people let them…
Sam Bankman-Fried: The institutional players don’t necessarily see their whole book … They don’t necessarily know if most of their loans are overcollateralized or not at all collateralized. And the platforms themselves were the only ones who saw their whole books …
Joe and I enjoyed so many of the episodes this year. There are almost too many to gather here but I’m going to do my best. Consider the below a very non-exhaustive list one of my favorites this year.
Benn Eifert On The Mania That Was Even Bigger Than Meme Stocks
Hyun Song Shin Explains Why This Dollar Shock Is So Unique
Why a ‘Broken’ Mortgage Market Is Keeping Borrowing Rates Extra High
Nouriel Roubini Foresees an ‘Ugly’ Mix of the 1970s and the Global Financial Crisis
Jigar Shah Just Became One of the Most Important Players in the Energy Transition
Here’s How Weird Things Are Getting in the Housing Market
What a Bakery Can Tell Us About the Economy Right Now
Zoltan Pozsar Sees a New Dollar Regime. His Longtime Collaborator Disagrees
Transcript: Ezra Klein on the New Supply-Side Economics
Seven Hand-Drawn Helene Meisler Charts That Explain the Stock Market Right Now
Pimco’s Ivascyn Sees ‘Significant Slowdown’ in US Housing Market
Steel Pipes for Drilling Oil Are the New Semiconductors
This Could Be the Start of a Dollar ‘Doom Loop’ Like No Other
The Co-Founder of TheGlobe.com on What a Bursting Bubble Really Feels Like
Bridgewater’s Greg Jensen Warns Markets Are Still ‘Overly Optimistic’
Meet the Hedge-Fund Manager Who Warned of Terra’s $60 Billion Implosion
Transcript: This Is What Happened to the Meme Stock Mania
Pierre Andurand on How We Might Get $200 a Barrel Oil
Sam Bankman-Fried Described Yield Farming and Left Matt Levine Stunned
Transcript: The 1906 Dredging Law That May Be Holding Back the U.S. Economy
Transcript: Why All of Tracy’s Furniture Is Stuck on a Grounded Ship
Zoltan Pozsar Sees a World Of Problems That Money Can’t Solve
Transcript: What Wooden Pallets Have to Do With Russia’s War on Ukraine
Transcript: How Bill Gross Built a Bond Empire—Then Lost It All
Transcript: Here’s How Messy a Russian Bond Default Could Be
Transcript: Michael Lewis on Why the World Is Still Reading “Liar’s Poker”
Transcript: What Happened to the Price of Nails Over the Last 330 Years
Transcript: Afghanistan’s Former Central Bank Chief on the Dire State of the Country’s Economy